Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Change of Plans

Had another mini cereal binge groan! Going away for a week tomorrow though so no binges :) Anyway I am changing up the plan as the abc is too difficult when you are constantly around people, and I am worried about my metabolism slowing down too much. So what I am aiming to do is to alternate each day of the abc with a higher calorie day of either 800, 1000 or 1200. So starting day 4 abc tomorrow:

day 4: 400

day 5:800

day 6:100 (this is going to be difficult as I am staying with my brother)

day 7:1000

day 8:200

day 9:1200

day 10:300 (this is when I come back, hopefully manage to stick to this)

Won't be able to do much exercise when I am away but will try and walk lots


  1. ughh i love cereal especially cocoa pops and special K. special k is the devil....

  2. Cereal is seriously the worst (and the best all at once)!! Good luck with your new ABC plan; it seems like a good one!

  3. grr cereal. almost as evil as donuts. Stay stong, love!

  4. it is the absolute worst! I don't have it in my boyfriends house I have oatmeal, unfortunately if I am at home my parents have several boxes...truly evil!
